HTML & CSS the smart way

You might be tempted to start writing these by yourself but there is no reason to do such a thing. There is a link to a working provided solution in the assignment document ( which can save us all of the work so we can go straight to the JavaScript part.

Once you have entered the link above, open up your DevTools and go to the Sources tab.

You can now go ahead and download the HTML and CSS files. The JavaScript file is obfuscated meaning it has been made unintelligible so don't try that.

Everything written below is assuming you use these files.

*P.S. If you don't see any red borders on the marbles it's because in the css file there is a typo, change looser to loser.


I will not go over the requirements here since they can get confusing and at time they are not consistent with the solution provided. My recommendation is to go over them and then try to replicate the functionality found in the solution.

There are two main things we need to do, update the number of marbles shown when the user inputs a number and the actual guessing part.

Updating the number of guessed marbles

So we need to update the number of marbles displayed every time the user types something into the input. Typing is an event so we can add an event listener to the input so it calls a function every time something is typed.

document.querySelector('#user_guess').addEventListener('input', updateGuessedMarbles)

Of course we should also define the function.

function updateGuessedMarbles() {
  // marble stuff

First, let's get the value from inside the input and we also need to check if that value is above 10 because in that case we don't want to update anything.

const guess = document.querySelector('#user_guess').value

// exit the function if value is bigger than 10
if (guess > 10) {

After doing this, we will select the container in which we put the marbles and also make it empty so we don't keep continuously adding marbles to it.

const resultsContainer = document.querySelector('#results_container')
resultsContainer.innerHTML = ''

Now that we have the container we can use a for starting at 1 and ending at the guessed number and a marble at each iteration.

for (let i = 1; i <= guess; i++) {
  const marble = document.createElement('div')
  marble.setAttribute('class', 'marble')

Let's put everything together now.

function updateGuessedMarbles() {
  const guess = document.querySelector('#user_guess').value
  if (guess > 10) {

  const resultsContainer = document.querySelector('#results_container')
  resultsContainer.innerHTML = ''
  for (let i = 1; i <= guess; i++) {
    const marble = document.createElement('div')
    marble.setAttribute('class', 'marble')

document.querySelector('#user_guess').addEventListener('input', updateGuessedMarbles)


Some HTML for an easier understanding:

<form id="user_guess_form">
    <label for="">Make a guess between 1 - 10</label>
    <input id="user_guess" type="number">
    <button type="submit" id="user_guess_btn">Guess</button>

First of all we need to defined some variables to keep track of our score and remaining guesses.

let score = 0
let guessesRemaining = 10

This time our event listener will be place on the whole form since submitting a form is an event. As you can see the Guess button has a type of submit meaning the form is submitted when clicked.

document.querySelector('#user_guess_form').addEventListener('submit', makeGuess)

The definition of the function:

function makeGuess(event) {
  // about 40 lines are about to go here so get ready

You probably noticed our function has an event parameter, this is because the function is part of an event listener. The default behaviour of forms is to go somewhere after you submit them but we don't want this, so this is where event comes into play. By using the preventDefault function we can avoid the basic form functionality.


We need to perform some checks before we begin with the actual guessing. The number of guesses remaining must be check and the value of the user's guess which needs to not be empty, smaller than 1 or bigger than 10. In case the proper conditions aren't met we exit the function.

if (guessesRemaining < 1) {

// making sure the value we get from the user is an actual number
const guess = Number(document.querySelector('#user_guess').value)

if (!guess || guess < 1 || guess > 10) {

Let's generate the random number now.

// formula: Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min
const randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10) + 1

Now updating the score and the number of remaining guesses. To update the score we need to check if the user's guess is lower or equal than the random number we just generated. Also, the values on our page need to be updated as well.

// update score if winner
if (guess <= randomNumber) {
  score += guess

guessesRemaining-- // minus one guess

// update values on page
document.querySelector('#number_guesses').innerText = guessesRemaining
document.querySelector('#score').innerText = score

With all of this done, let's proceed to add the marbles to the container, but we need to select it first and also clear it, just like in the updating function.

const resultsContainer = document.querySelector('#results_container')
resultsContainer.innerHTML = ''

The question now is how many marbles are we adding to the container? And the answer to this question is that it depends.

In this case the user has won and we are displaying 5 marbles, 3 of them are green meaning the user's guess was 3 and 2 of them are red because the randomly generated number was 5. In this case the number of marbles is equals to the randomly generated number. Also, all of the marbles are filled meaning that the number of filled marbles is equal to the randomly generated number.

This is a losing scenario and we are displaying 9 marbles, 4 of them are filled meaning that the randomly generated number is 4 and the rest are blank because the guess was 9. In this case the number of marbles is equals to the user's guess.

We can now deduce that the number of marbles is equals to the greater number between the user's guess and the randomly generated number. Knowing this we can now determine the number of marbles and use a for loop to add them to our container.

let numberOfMarbles;
if (randomNumber >= guess) {
  numberOfMarbles = randomNumber
else {
  numberOfMarbles = guess

for(let i = 0; i < numberOfMarbles; i++) {
  // fun stuff

Just like we did in the previous function, let's create a new marble.

const marble = document.createElement('div')
marble.setAttribute('class', 'marble')

Knowing that marbles that are lower or equals to the random number are filled(check images above if confused) we can now add the background.

if (i < randomNumber) {

For the red and green borders, we need to check if the user has won or lost. If the guess is bigger than the generated number than all the marbles get a red border. If the guess is lower or equal as you can see in the first picture we can have both green and red borders. If the generated number is 5 and the guess is 3 we will only colour the first 3 marbles green and the last 2 red, meaning that we only colour the marbles that are lower or equals to the user's guess.

if (guess > randomNumber) {
else {
    if (i < guess) {
    else {

The last thing we have to do is append the marble to the container.


Now that we are done with the for loop the last thing this function does is empty the value of the input and focus it.

document.querySelector('#user_guess').value = ''

The whole thing looks like this:

let score = 0
let guessesRemaining = 10

function makeGuess(event) {
  if (guessesRemaining < 1) {

  const guess = Number(document.querySelector('#user_guess').value)

  if (!guess || guess < 1 || guess > 10) {
  const randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10) + 1
  if (guess <= randomNumber) {
    score += guess
  document.querySelector('#number_guesses').innerText = guessesRemaining
  document.querySelector('#score').innerText = score
  const resultsContainer = document.querySelector('#results_container')
  resultsContainer.innerHTML = ''
  let numberOfMarbles;
  if (randomNumber >= guess) {
    numberOfMarbles = randomNumber
  else {
    numberOfMarbles = guess

  for(let i = 0; i < numberOfMarbles; i++) {
    const marble = document.createElement('div')
    marble.setAttribute('class', 'marble')
    if (i < randomNumber) {
    if (guess > randomNumber) {
    else {
      if (i < guess) {
      else {
  document.querySelector('#user_guess').value = ''

The final result

function updateGuessedMarbles() {
  const guess = document.querySelector('#user_guess').value
  if (guess > 10) {

  const resultsContainer = document.querySelector('#results_container')
  resultsContainer.innerHTML = ''
  for (let i = 1; i <= guess; i++) {
    const marble = document.createElement('div')
    marble.setAttribute('class', 'marble')

document.querySelector('#user_guess').addEventListener('input', updateGuessedMarbles)

let score = 0
let guessesRemaining = 10

function makeGuess(event) {
  if (guessesRemaining < 1) {

  const guess = Number(document.querySelector('#user_guess').value)

  if (!guess || guess < 1 || guess > 10) {
  const randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10) + 1
  if (guess <= randomNumber) {
    score += guess
  document.querySelector('#number_guesses').innerText = guessesRemaining
  document.querySelector('#score').innerText = score
  const resultsContainer = document.querySelector('#results_container')
  resultsContainer.innerHTML = ''
  let numberOfMarbles;
  if (randomNumber >= guess) {
    numberOfMarbles = randomNumber
  else {
    numberOfMarbles = guess

  for(let i = 0; i < numberOfMarbles; i++) {
    const marble = document.createElement('div')
    marble.setAttribute('class', 'marble')
    if (i < randomNumber) {
    if (guess > randomNumber) {
    else {
      if (i < guess) {
      else {
  document.querySelector('#user_guess').value = ''

document.querySelector('#user_guess_form').addEventListener('submit', makeGuess)